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Get your hands dirty with some paint at the art gallery!


AstroPaint is a python package that creates fast mock maps of arbitrary astrophysical signals. Want to paint the sky? Bring your own halo catalog and the radial profile of your favorite astrophysical signal. Then with a few lines of code create your masterpiece using AstroPaint.

Checkout the public repository for a review of the code’s capabilities so far.



Documents are objects, so let's treat them as such...

NLOOP is an object oriented tool that provides a convenient interface for processing, analyzing, and exploratory data analysis of an entire corpus using popular natural language processing libraries such as spaCy and gensim.


A pythonic tool for accurate calculation of the effects of our motion on cosmological observations.


CosmoBoost calculates the motion-induced coupling between harmonic multipoles of any background radiation with an arbitrary frequency function.

Check out this tutorial to see how the code can be applied to CMB simulations.


arXivester: arXiv (+inSPIRE) harvester

A handy and user-friendly software for downloading papers from arXiv and inSPIRE in bulk. This code was inspired by the fantastic article analyzing the arxiv by Tim Head.

Check out this example session to see if this code is what you need to collect data for your awesome arXiv analysis project!