Academic Research Projects

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Mock simulation of the Birkinshaw-Gull effect (Yasini+2019)

Mock simulation of the Birkinshaw-Gull effect (Yasini+2019)

Measuring Transverse Velocities with the Birkinshaw-Gull effect

arXiv: 1812.04241

Published in ApJL

Transverse velocities of massive objects like galaxy clusters induces a dipolar pattern in the temperature of the CMB. The signal is extremely small and currently unmeasurable. In this project we introduce a statistical estimator which will enable the next generation of CMB surveys such as SO and CMB-S4 to measure this effect for the first time.

Note: this effect is also known as the Rees-Sciama effect, and the unfortunate misnomer the moving lens effect.


Footprints of Doppler and aberration effects in the CMB

arXiv: 1910.04315

Published in MNRAS

arXiv: 1709.08298

Published in PRD

arXiv: 1610.00015

Published in PRL

The motion of the Solar System with respect to the CMB induces distortions in the temperature and polarization maps that we observe in our local frame. These distortions become non-negligible at smaller angular scales and have to be corrected for. In this project we investigate the implications of the motion-induced effects for cosmology and propose tools for correcting them in CMB observations.


The bulk motion of the intracluster medium (ICM) induces a shift in the temperature and polarization of the CMB in the direction of galaxy clusters known as the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect. In this project we show that aside from probing the velocity of clusters, this signal can be exploited to measure or constrain the low multipoles moments of the CMB (dipole, quadrupole, and octupole) at remote locations in the universe (high redshifts).

Kinetic Sunyaev Zeldovich Polarization and the Remote CMB Multipoles

arXiv: 1605.02111

Published in PRD